The skin is remarkably adept at healing itself. Sometimes, the body’s self-repair abilities are almost too effective. As such, in the process of knitting together a wound, scar tissue is produced. While this excess tissue helps keep the skin closed and protected against invading germs, it can often be a source of self-consciousness. This same can also be said for pockmarks or pitted acne scars, dark spots, and other blemishes that are the result of ultra-rapid or improper healing. Surprisingly, the best way to improve these cosmetic issues is by causing more damage at the very site of the scarring. Microdermabrasion provides the perfect level of controlled damage for revitalizing the skin, and for creating a more even skin texture and tone overall.
What Microdermabrasion Is and How It Works
Microdermabrasion revitalizes the skin by exfoliating an older, duller layer to reveal a fresh one. It’s performed with a handheld device that powers tiny microcrystals across the treatment area. These abrasive materials break down damaged skin before all resulting debris is completely removed. This process isn’t essentially exfoliation performed at a deeper level. It is recommended that you undergo a microdermabrasion treatment plan of anywhere from five to twelve sessions to achieve the ultimate results.
Beyond merely eliminating dull, damaged, and dry skin, however, this procedure also incites natural skin repairs. By deploying the microcrystals, it’s possible to trigger the skin’s healing abilities. The result is a marked increase in the production of new skin cells, as well as an increase in the production of important substances for supporting the skin, like collagen. Best of all, once surface damage has been stripped away, moisturizing agents and other nutrient-dense products will be able to penetrate the skin more deeply.
Ramp Up Natural Collagen Production With Multiple Treatments
For those with scarring, microdermabrasion provides a safe, gradual and comfortable to way to resurface and repair this all-important covering. Moreover, there are several types of blemish that this procedure can successfully address. Several sessions can quickly fade noticeable dark spots while additionally toning up and minimizing enlarged pores. If you have pitted or raised scars, these procedures can help smooth your skin out.
Establish A Plan For Reaching Your Cosmetic Goals With Microdermabrasion
During a consultation appointment, you can find the perfect treatment or combination of treatments for your skin’s needs. While microdermabrasion is an effective procedure for minimizing the appearance of scars, it is also capable of reducing the early signs of aging. From fading sun spots and erasing fine lines and wrinkles, this treatment can utterly revitalize a person’s appearance. Routine appointments have also helped many acne sufferers limit the frequency, duration and overall severity of future breakouts. For more information on this treatment, feel free to reach out and make an appointment with Open Door Med Spa! At our convenient location in Mansfield, TX, we would be happy to answer your questions and help you rejuvenate your skin. Contact us today to set up your consultation!