Looking for a comfortable, yet effective non-invasive cosmetic treatment to address wrinkles, acne scars, discoloration, or imbalanced skin texture? Your search may be over! Microdermabrasion is one of the latest innovations in aesthetics to improve a vast majority of common cosmetic concerns associated with aging. No needles, incisions, or downtime necessary! Open Door Med Spa is your choice destination for anti-aging treatments including microdermabrasion. Our team strives to promote health, wellness, and beauty to all of our patients in the greater Mansfield area. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and find out if this renowned treatment may be right for you.
What is Microdermabrasion?
Microdermabrasion is a comfortable, non-invasive anti-aging treatment that can help rejuvenate the skin from a wide varity of cosmetic flaws associated with aging like:
– Wrinkles
– Fine lines
– Acne scars
– Uneven skin texture
– Faded tone
– Age spots
– Enlarged pores
– Discoloration from rosacea or sun damage
– And more
Utilizing specialized microcrystals, this safe and effective treatment works to comfortably exfoliate the surface of the skin. While debris and dead skin cells are extracted, this handpiece also stimulates the body’s production of collagen, the main structural protein found within the skin. Additional collagen fibers work to repair the skin on a cellular level, creating a youthful, radiant glow.
What Can I Expect from Microdermabrasion?
One of our certified team members carefully maneuvers the microdermabrasion handpiece across the skin of the targeted area. A series of microcrystals attached at the tip of the device makes gentle contact with the skin, removing impurities while promoting natural rejuvenation. Our team would be happy to answer any of your questions about this exciting treatment during your consultation!
How Many Microdermabrasion Treatments Will I Need?
While many people may notice an improvement in their skin quality after a single treatment, we recommend an optimal treatment plan of between 5-12 sessions in order to achieve the best possible results. Your treatment plan will be customized to best accommodate your aesthetic goals.
Is Microdermabrasion Right for Me?
Virtually anyone may consider this safe and rejuvenating anti-aging treatment. Whether to address a common cosmetic concern like those listed above or to improve your overall skin quality, our team can help you determine if this option may be ideal for your aesthetic needs.
Ready to take the next step in comfortable skin rejuvenation? Contact us today to schedule your consultation and find out if microdermabrasion may be your key to unlocking youthful skin!