Intense light pulse therapy or also known as IPL therapy can help save damaged skin. When the skin has been damaged from the sun, scarring or other problems, the damages can be reduced and even removed. IPL therapy can help improve the skin in many different ways. You may have some flaws, blemishes or damage on your skin that you may want removed. Open Door Med Spa will share the essentials on IPL therapy and see if it is the right procedure for you.
What is Intense Pulse Light Therapy
IPL therapy is a photofacial treatment that can smooth the texture of the skin and also improve the skin’s natural color. IPL therapy can undo some skin damage from the sun or remove the appearance of skin veins. IPL therapy can help remove splotchy red and brown spots, creating a more even skin color. IPL therapy is most commonly done on the face, neck hands and chest. However, there are no limits to where you can get IPL therapy.
What Does Intense Pulsed Light Therapy Do?
IPL therapy uses light energy to create heat energy that can penetrate deep into the skin without causing any harm to the skin. By using heat energy, you can get rid of unwanted cells, veins and other problems. Depending on the condition or problem you are trying to treat, the wavelengths can be adjusted. Not only will these wavelengths be adjusted, but it can also treat more than one problem at a time. After getting IPL therapy the skin often looks so much more healthier and younger.
What Can IPL Be Used For?
IPL therapy can help treat a wide range of problems and most people are candidates for IPL therapy. Here are some of the conditions IPL therapy is well known for helping.
• Acne and Acne Scars
• Birthmarks and Freckles
• Stretch Marks
• Scars
• Spider Veins and Broken Blood Vessels
• Unwanted Hair
• Wrinkles and Fine Lines
• Liver, Age or Brown Spots
• Discolored Skin and Redness due to Rosacea
This list contains the more common uses for IPL therapy. Where most people can get IPL therapy, for those who are pregnant, have current skin conditions or are taking medication, be sure to talk to your doctor first. Additionally, you do not want to schedule an appointment for IPL therapy and before your procedure spend a lot of time in the sun or on a tanning bed. Even tanning creams can cause major skin irritations when receiving IPL therapy. It is best to come without wearing perfume or make-up. You will want your skin clean and not agitated when you receive IPL therapy.
What Should We Do After IPL Treatment?
After getting IPL therapy some people will feel a slight discomfort like a sunburn. Feeling like you have a little sunburn is common and normal. The burning sensation often lasts between 4 to 6 hours. During this time you can use a damp washcloth to help keep the site cool and soothed. It is also common for some redness and the skin may even peel off in a few week after the procedure. Once all of the dead skin has come off, it will reveal beautiful and healthier skin.
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If IPL therapy is right for you, contact Open Door Med Spa. Our specialist can help you achieve your goals in improving your skin’s health and beauty.