The majority of adults all over the world are affected by stretch marks, which are an incredibly common bodily mark. Despite how highly common they are, many people find themselves self-conscious of the marks. As a result, many people search for tips and advice about stretch marks and how to go about removing them. With this in mind, we at Open Door Med Spa would like to contribute to helping people better understand stretch marks.
Causes of Stretch Marks
There is no specific cause though there are some things that can directly cause or worsen stretch marks. Among the genders, it is worth knowing that they are more common on women. However, everyone can get stretch marks regardless of their gender. Things that cause your skin to stretch will also cause stretch marks, as you may expect. Stretch marks are highly likely among people who rapidly gain or lose weight. More noticeable stretch marks can develop with those that experience intense weight gain and loss. Especially at a young age, another cause is pregnancy. Also, stretch marks can occur by rapid growth spurts, quick muscle gain, breast enlargement surgery, and other such growth. Unfortunately, you could still end up with stretch marks, even if experience with none of these things.
Can Stretch Marks Be Eliminated?
Stretch marks cannot be eliminated on their own. Fortunately, there are many ways to deal with them to prevent, lessen, or surgically remove them.
Laser Removal. Using laser surgery is one way to remove stretch marks. The process is similar to removing scar or tattoo removal procedures. To restructure the skin below it, removing the outer layer of skin helps. Weak lasers are used to encourage new growth during this procedure. As that would take outright skin removal and replacement, this procedure will not get rid of stretch marks completely. However, to make them less noticeable and make them smoother, reducing their appearance, this is a great option.
Topical Treatment and Skincare. Using topical lotions and skincare products is another common way to treat stretch marks. Lotions that are made to promote skin repair and collagen are likely to be offer some success. They can keep stretch marks from worsening along with helping with your skin health. This won’t do much to stop stretch marks from ever happening, preventatively. Though it can stop the marks from spreading or growing larger and can be effective in repairing the damage that was done.
Stretch Marks Perception. A natural, beautiful thing that the vast majority of the world deals with are stretch marks. Do your best not to let them affect your mental state though there are ways to work on removing them or stopping them from worsening. Changing your perception of stretch marks can help boost self-confidence.
Laser Removal, SkinCeuticals Products & More in Mansfield, Texas (Just Minutes away from Fort Worth, Arlington, Grand Prairie, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, De Soto, Red Oak, Midlothian, Waxahachie, Cleburne & Benbrook, Texas)
If you are looking to lighten the stretch marks on your body in Mansfield, TX and surrounding areas, call Open Door Med Spa and let our experts assist you with a number of services that can help.