Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Therapy Treatment
What is Intense Pulsed Light Therapy?
Intense Pulsed Light, or IPL, is an advanced laser treatment that harnesses the healing benefits of light energy in order to correct the appearance of skin concerns on the surface from within. The innovative laser energy is effective at transforming light energy into heat energy, which is delivered to the deeper layers of skin without harming the surface. This heat energy is effective at promoting restoration within the targeted treatment area. WIth this revolutionary laser system, you can safely and non-invasively diminish skin imperfections for a smooth and even complexion.
How Does it Work?
Following an initial consultation, a personalized treatment plan is developed in order to determine the specific needs and desires of each patient. During treatment, the specialized hand-held device is held to the treatment area. The laser system then works to generate and deliver many wavelengths beneath the surface of skin through pulses of light. Once delivered, the energy works to heal the deeper, collagen rich layers of skin. Simultaneously, the cooling function effectively maintains the safe temperature of the surrounding tissue in order to prevent damage. The heating process activates collagen production and regeneration of new and healthy skin cells. This is effective at reversing the appearance of many skin concerns for a renewed and healthy look. Treatments are quick and there is no required downtime following sessions. As your skin continues to heal and regenerate healthy skin cells, you can notice exceptional results that continue to improve in the weeks following.
Benefits of Intense Pulsed Light Therapy
There are many transformational benefits that IPL can offer you including the treatment of:
– Age Spots
– Acne
– Sun Spots
– Wrinkles
– Broken Capillaries
– Rosacea
Overall, IPL treatments even out skin tone and texture. A series of 6 IPL treatments spaced two to four weeks apart is usually recommended to achieve optimal results.
Contact Us
If you are unhappy with the current quality of your skin, IPL treatments could be the remedy that you have been looking for. Reach out to the professionals here at Open Door Med Spa to learn more. Contact us today and schedule your consultation towards healthy, glowing skin!